Pyro Processing

We carry out pyro process audits that our studies and recommendations improve our Clients’ competitive edge by helping them to achieve better fuel economy and run factors. What we do: .

• Assess the current operation of the plant

• Analyze Key Performance Indicators and benchmark them against our database for similar operations

• Identify areas for improvement

• Optimise processes

• Recommend steps to troubleshoot and upgrade the operation

• Provide a cost-benefit analysis

A pyro process efficiency study translates into improved productivity and higher profit margins. In addition to the above, we have performed efficiency studies such as analysis of kiln rehabilitation, kiln capacity and fuel efficiency, capacity upgrade, evaluation of plant staff and procedures, assessment of the reliability of plant equipment and readiness for sustained operations, review of process details, utilization of waste heat for power generation, raw materials studies, etc. You may be facing decreased production, insufficient product quality – there are many inefficiencies that you might want to remedy. A comprehensive pyro process audit, or an audit focused on one particular area, identifies opportunities to improve processes that deliver sustainable plant benefits.

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