
MND Enerji all share common beliefs about what a cement industry consultancy should be - these being:

• technical problems should be solved by going back to basics and finding the underlying cause of the problem and then proposing a practical, implementable solution.

• spending capital should be the last solution, not the first - company funds should be preserved for true capital projects like capacity increase or cost reduction - or should be returned to shareholders.

• none of us are experts in every aspect of cement manufacture - this is simply not possible - this is why the MND Enerji team is made up of such a wide range of disciplines who are experts in their field.

• long term relationships should be built with customers to continue to maximise their profitability - not just a one-off assignment without taking ownership of the outcomes.

• the people within the organisation are as important as the equipment and part of the MND Enerji service is to optimise the personnel as well as the equipment.

• the Client should receive value for money from the Consultant and all of MND Enerjis recommendations - if correctly implemented - will generate many times the assignment fee in profit.

• we are independent - we have no association with equipment suppliers and have no ulterior motive to sell equipment - we only have our Clients interests at heart.

These are the values that set MND Enerji apart from our competition - MND Enerji provides the best available specialist resources focused on improving the Clients performance. MND Enerji specialists share their knowledge with the Client, allowing their experience to be shared within the organisation. MND Enerji stands by its recommendations and sees customers returning, strengthening the trust and bond between Consultant and Supplier. Our aim is to ensure that through our technical as well as operational experience we will generate additional profit for our customers, with minimal capital investment - as well as making the experience enjoyable and mutually satisfying.