Organisational Management

MND Enerji organisational management services focus on the people side of the business and the organisational structure that is used within the cement plant - from defining the roles, selecting the right people, setting targets and managing and measuring performance.

Peoples' actions and decisions have the biggest impact upon the success in an organisation. For people to perform, they need to understand what is expected from the organisation and what the targets are by which their performance will be judged. MND Enerji Organisational Management Services are designed to get the best out of people and ensure that the right people are in the right place – both for themselves and the organisation. MND Enerji will also participate in the review of the equipment suppliers offers, through a parallel design exercise which compares the expected equipment specification from the MND Enerji design process with that of the equipment suppliers. This process ensures that final equipment selected is sufficiently sized and the customer pays the correct price for supply of the equipment.

The starting point of the Organisational Management Services is the Role Definition stage, whereby all of the requirements for each of the positions in the plant are defined from top to bottom. This allows the organisation to identify the key characteristics required for these roles and can be used in the interviewing and selection processes for either a new or existing organisation. The role descriptions which are the end product of this process can also be used for the definition of development programmes, target setting and annual reviews of individual employees.

MND Enerji also provides organisational reviews of cement manufacturers - either within specific departments of the organisation such as maintenance or production or across the whole site, ensuring that the structure is set up to deliver the optimal performance. This includes assessing the inter-action between different departments, the communication methods used on the plant, the measurement of performance and the corrective actions that are taken when performance is below target.