Glass Plants

MND Enerji offers customized in-plant training to enhance and broaden your operating staff’s understanding of the plant’s process and operations. The results are a well-trained and knowledgeable workforce which will help reduce operating and maintenance costs and increase production and overall system efficiency.

One of the goals of our program is to create a system to transfer technology, whereby:

• Best practices learned in one plant are effectively transferred to other plants

• Operating results are benchmarked against similar plants

Our tutorials offer the following advantages:

• Customized to the specific design of your plant and to meet your goals

• Developed together with plant management and with feedback from operators

• Conducted by experienced instructors

A training program is developed ahead of the plant visit to tailor it to the type of facility and training needs. An experienced instructor will then visit the plant to gather equipment data, become acquainted with the operations of the plant, and observe operating techniques. Following a meeting with the plant’s management team, the instructor will prepare a customized training manual specific to the plant’s operations. Once the manual is complete, the instructor will schedule training sessions. Our experienced instructors are on the cutting edge of technology including plant optimization, modifications, and expansion projects. They have held various positions: Chief Chemist, Process Engineer, Production Manager, CCR operators & shift leaders etc. The personnel who will most benefit from this type of training are: Control Room Operators, Process Engineers, Shift Foremen, Shift Personnel, Laboratory, mine managers, and other key personnel